Introduction to slow sex

In a world where everything goes at a thousand miles an hour, slow sex is a sexual practice that invites us above all to take time and slow down the pace. It places sensations and full awareness at the center of sexuality, and proposes to feel fully, calmly, enjoying the present moment.

Slow sex appeals to all our senses and gives us the opportunity to appreciate each movement in all its subtlety. This praise of slowness allows us to see things we are used to in a different light: by performing a gesture more gently, by savoring the sensation produced, slow sex allows us to appreciate our sex life in a different way.

The values of slow sex

The main ideas of slow sex are: being in the present moment; reconnecting with oneself and one's partners; physical and mental relaxation; feeling the complementarity of bodies.

Slow sex promotes a sexuality that frees itself from traditional injunctions. The idea of performance is deeply rooted in the heteropatriarchal vision of sexuality: whether we talk about the duration or frequency of intercourse, the number of positions or practices performed, the diktats of sexuality still lead us the hard way.

Slow sex takes all these imperatives in opposite direction. We forget about performance, about the race to orgasm, about sexual relations that seek to reach a certain goal. Slow sex breaks away from these normative patterns, and puts the spotlight on sharing, intimacy, pleasure and connection between partners. This practice offers us the opportunity to create our own intimate choreographies, the ones that resemble us, the ones we really want.

With slow sex, it is not about seeking strong sensations, but rather about awakening our senses and sharing an intimate moment in full consciousness.

The benefits of slow sex

Practicing slow sex has many benefits that are not limited to sexuality but also have a positive impact on the couple's general well-being. Slow sex is an opportunity to take time with your partner, offering yourself a privileged intimate moment protected from outside thoughts. This practice allows each of us to go to the meeting of its interiority, to better learn to know its own body while reinforcing the bond with its partner. To practice slow sex is to call upon one's erotic creativity and to open up to the subtlety of gestures, movements and sensations. This slowness opens the way to experiences where our senses are multiplied tenfold.

Practical tips

In practice, it is above all a question of freeing yourself from time: forget the idea of rushing to reach the climax, or of going quickly. Take the time to make your gestures, to touch yourself, to vary your movements, more or less light.

You can also try to connect with your partner without touching, through your eyes, but also possibly with a synchronized breathing work.

Of course, we recommend that you always maintain good communication to ensure everyone's comfort and enjoyment level.

If you find it difficult to do this out of the blue, you can start by creating an atmosphere in which you feel comfortable, like going for a meditation or a massage. Light some candles, create a soft atmosphere, a subdued ambiance, and get together with your partner; trust your body and let your intuition guide you!

You can also discover the Slow Sex program in the Melba application, which will guide you step by step on this practice.