Does the science of cunni exist?

You've probably seen them, skimmed them or read them carefully, those articles that promise you to become the golden lover that will make all your partners go to heaven thanks to this little secret that only the author of the article holds!

Here, we offer you a more down-to-earth, but no less enjoyable version of the Q.

It's all very well to tell ourselves that sex is far from being an exact science. Taking care of a vulva, giving pleasure, is personal: a matter of tastes, preferences, relationships. I see you coming: don't panic, we are not telling you this to scare you, but on the contrary to reassure you. We all have preferences, and they can change with time and encounters: so you have the freedom to explore how to give (and receive) pleasure! If that's not good news.

Some tips

While there is no exact science, there are some things you can do to maximize the fun you share and make sure everyone is in the best possible condition.

  • Ask for your partner's consent before you engage: basic, simple. Whether it's a long-term relationship or a one-night stand, it's important to make sure your partner consents to every practice you engage in. Plus, it's very sexy, and it will get you in the mood right away!
  • Question your own desire: you may feel pressure to perform certain practices. Ask yourself about your desires as well as your non-desires, and listen to what your body is telling you.
  • Listen to your partner: by asking questions, either during the act or afterwards (does it feel good when I do this?). You can also pay attention to all the signals he/she sends you during: his/her breathing, body language, sounds of pleasure and moans... Let yourself be guided by your partner's words or gestures, welcome his/her advice and feedback, and try to put yourself in his/her shoes. Put your ego aside and keep in mind that your partner is exploring just as much as you are: it's a joint search for pleasure 🔥
  • Explore: by varying your gestures, by not focusing on a single area, by trying different caresses, by changing the rhythm, by testing different positions...
  • Protect yourself, of course, in a way that is appropriate for your situation. To protect yourself from certain infections and diseases that can be transmitted orally, you can opt for dental dams.

Not everyone likes it

Our goal is to help you live a fulfilling sexuality, the one that suits you. If talking about certain practices or sometimes thorny subjects is necessary to break down taboos, we would like to remind you of a few points. Sex is absolutely not necessary to a fulfilling life as a couple, and although it can be a way to show affection, intimacy is not limited to sex. Also, we all have our preferences and desires, and you may not be interested in or even like some of the practices we're talking about, and that's totally okay!

Society in general tends to look at vulvas in a less than complimentary or even pejorative way. We take this opportunity to invite people with vulvas to go and meet their own bodies: you can try the enriching experience of looking at your vulva with the help of a mirror.

On the other hand, we are also under pressure to perform. Many more people than you might think don't particularly like to receive or give sex, and their sex lives are no less satisfying for it! It is important to be able to share your non-desires with your partners, and if and when you are told of a lack of interest or love for a practice, it is your duty to welcome this sharing without feeling that your talents as a lover are being questioned.

Finally, whether you are the "giver" or the "receiver", take these intimate moments for what they are: moments of pleasure. No contest to be the best, no obligation to "go to orgasm", no, let yourself live these moments fully and feel all the sensations!


What if to get your kicks, you first had to stop worrying?