Can you introduce us to your couple?

"We've been together for 15 years, married for 11 this year. We have two children aged 9 and 7."

What were you looking for when you discovered Melba?

Christophe: "We were looking for a way to find ourselves again. We wanted to spice up our sex life a bit, recapture the craziness of the early days in a way, and rediscover ourselves. As the years go by, it's normal to get into a routine, and it's not easy to get out of it on your own."

Fanny: "We're pretty open to new things, even if it's Christophe who's looking for them (laughs): he's more afraid of routine than I am, and he's more often looking for solutions to keep the complicity we can lose over time.

I must admit that I've sometimes wondered, thinking "if he's looking to change the routine, maybe the current situation doesn't suit him! ". But I'm willing to try new things with him. It turns out that Melba is an excellent solution for us, because everything that's proposed is part of a caring and respectful framework. I thought it would take me completely out of my comfort zone, but in fact the concept really gives me confidence and it's a way of getting back to basics.

What was your first experience like?

Fanny: "It was certainly a bit confusing! The concept itself is unfamiliar, new: getting back to basics with a slow pace that allows you to take time to do and experience. It took us a while to get used to the novelty of the voice, but in reality the guidance created a very positive frustration. And then you quickly get used to it, the voice ends up being there without being there: now, you totally abandon yourself to the experience!"

Christophe: "It's true that it's not a completely "natural" experience. At first I wondered about it: I noticed that I was being asked to do things I don't usually do, and I thought to myself, what the heck am I (laughs), but then I realized that this was an opportunity to do things I'd forgotten or simply never done. As time goes by, relationships somehow accelerate, or rather shorten. With Melba, we learn to look at each other, to caress each other. I've realized that this voice teaches us a lot. We now have total trust in Melba; I know it's going to be good and we're going to have a good time together. There's not an episode we haven't enjoyed, and we've even got our favorites that we're doing over and over again!"

What emotions do you feel during the episodes?

Christophe: "Our attitude depends a little on the mood of the episodes. Depending on what we're asked to do, we'll enter the episode seriously, get caught up in the game, and follow the instructions seriously: for messages, for example, because it's a real moment of relaxation for the other person. But of course we laugh too: during the role-playing episodes, for example, or when the voice tells us we have to change position but we don't want to because we're fine, that makes us laugh!

Fanny: "Melba is a lot of relaxation, excitement, discovery and laughter. There are no negative emotions."

How does Melba fit into your relationship today?

"It's part of our routine! Even if we don't use Melba every time we have sex, we've noticed some changes since we discovered the app: we give each other more time, just to be together. "Hey, how about a Melba?" has become a common question, for those times when we want to spend a moment that's a little more special, a little extraordinary."

Can you describe Melba's experiences in three words?

Fanny: "Reconnection, Complicity, Letting Go

Christophe: "Pleasure, Discovery, and I too would say reconnection".

What do you like best about being guided?

Fanny: "To be totally honest, I was initially a bit apprehensive about not knowing what would happen next. Today, I love being surprised, and the unexpected is a positive thing. I'm no longer apprehensive; on the contrary, I'm curious and impatient to find out what's going to happen!"

Christophe: "My initial apprehension turned into excitement at the discovery! I admit I cheated the first few times: I listened to the episodes to be sure of what I was proposing to Fanny. Now I don't listen to them at all. We read the preparation paragraphs together and play along. We're in a state of excitement, a bit like the first time we make love with a new person! I sometimes tremble during an episode; that feeling of not knowing what's going to happen next is so positive, far from frustrating or stressful."

Do you prefer to be guided or guided by someone else? Why or why not?

Fanny: "It doesn't matter. When we decide to do a Melba episode, we'll orient our choice according to the other person's state, tiredness and mood, when we feel like pleasing the other person more, for example!"

*Christophe: "I like both. When I'm guided, I do things I'm not necessarily used to. And when Fanny is guided, it's the same thing: by following the voice, she dares more. I have a slight preference for the episodes where she's the one being guided: I feel that she allows herself to let go more.

Fanny: "It's true!"

Would you say that making Melba episodes has brought you closer together?

Christophe: "Absolutely! That's really what I was looking for. And I can say that I searched the Internet, reading articles and following accounts. The information is more or less interesting, and you have to find the right balance between the practices you want and those that aren't for you. Melba is the best solution for us: it's the one that matches our criteria and expectations. When we start out, we know in advance that we're going to have a good time."

Fanny: "It just so happens that we've been talking about it too, outside the "practical" side of things. We recommended the app to people we know because we were sure they'd like it. Even for couples who aren't doing so well, we're convinced that Melba can help them to find something again, to realize that all is not lost.

Have you discovered new things about your pleasure?

Christophe: "Following the voice allows us to take our time, especially to look after each other. Melba allows us to reach a high level of excitement, while taking the time to care for the other person, thinking about what might please them, and we realize that we're more connected.

Since we started Melba, we've found it even easier to talk about sexuality on a daily basis. Before, we used to communicate by message, but we didn't always manage to talk about it; even as a couple, there can be taboos! Since then, we've become much more open with each other. It's put exploration and sexuality back at the heart of our relationship, even when we're not doing an episode.

I think Fanny orgasms more easily since we've been using Melba; it's linked to the fact that the voice allows us to take our time, to really let go. She no longer has the restraint she might have had before."

Fanny: "It's true that our days are so busy that once we get home, all we want to do is sit back and do nothing! This kind of experience also allows me to free myself from all that, and to evacuate stress and worries."

What would you say to all those couples who are hesitating to take the plunge?

Fanny: "That there's really no pressure with Melba: nothing disrespectful, nothing that could be frustrating."

Christophe: "The framework is set at the beginning of each episode: the voice insists that you only do what you want to do, and that's very reassuring. There's nothing to lose by trying Melba: it's all about discovery and pleasure. All you have to do is dare, and get comfortable with the voice. You have to remember that it's simply something you experience together, plus a little voice! "

What kind of couples would you recommend melba to?

Fanny: "For all types of couples. There's no age limit. The episodes offer practices that are just as suited to couples who have been around longer, and who might have lost even the slightest contact with each other. And even for young people: love and sexuality are things you learn by yourself, and you don't necessarily discover the right things. Melba is the perfect way to learn the codes of exchange and respect for others. We think it would be a good way to help young people discover their sexuality. Melba is the opposite of what you can find on the internet, a caring and respectful version of sexuality."

Christophe: "Of course, we can't necessarily talk to everyone about it. There are people who, for certain reasons, don't fit in with this type of research or experience. But even with young couples, we tell them that Melba is a great way to discover the other person, in a caring way".